The Pursuit of The Past
by Karmen
Characters in order of appearance
Name: James Endymion
Age: 40 (30 in the Prologue)
Gender: Male
Weapon: Rapiers or his sword hidden in his cane
Family Relations: Auratus Endymion (son), Sumilion Endymion (brother)
Bio: James is a lonely man. For eighteen years he has been mourning the death of his beloved Selene. James acts as if he knows things, but he is really gullible. James is the Grand Duke and Crowned Prince. He is in charge of Avion’s Department of Warfare and controls nearly half of the country which is encompassed by his duchy Avion.
Name: Lucifer (Montressor)
Age: lost count
Gender: Male
Weapon: A giant scythe, but usually something smaller
Family Relations: none
Bio: Lucifer is a mysterious “vigilante” who promised to bring James’s wife back from the dead. He is not one to be trusted, but he gives offers hard to refuse. He has mysterious black feathered wings. He is most skilled in magic. No one is quite sure what he is up to, but it would be much too generous to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Name: Auratus Endymion
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Weapon: Twin hand scythes
Family Relations: James Endymion (father), Sumilion Endymion (uncle)
Bio: The only son of the Grand Duke and Crowned Prince. His mother died giving birth to him. He hasn’t got any cousins he is close with. Acts as if he prefers to be alone, but he’s actually much too shy to befriend anyone. He has a very bad relationship with his father. He comes to befriend Lucifer, but has a hard time turning a blind eye to Lucifer's innumerable vices.
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